3:00pm We are back to the newborn days and starting from scratch with the sleep routine. They warned us about this in the hospital. James has been great about sharing the night shift with me which has really helped. I am hoping that Jacob will get back on track soon!
Otherwise Jacob is doing very well. His swelling has gone down significantly again. He looks more and more like his old self. His incision (ear to ear zigzag) looks good and we are caring for it as best we can. He is eating much better and when he wakes up from a nap and is fed, he is his playful old self until he gets tired again.
It worked out perfectly that we were discharged Friday and James and I could just have the weekend to ourselves and to work together to sort Jacob out and have a quiet home. At this point we just need time.
Thank you again for all the food! Cooking is not something we have energy reserves for so it is wonderful to be able to heat up great meals so quickly!
Exhausted, but happy to slowly be getting my boy back!
I will continue to post to let you know how things are going and how Jacob's checkup next week goes. Thank you to everyone for following!
Now....maybe I can sneak in a short nap??? The monitor seems to be quiet right now! :)
(Below is a photo from the hospital. I thought you might like to see how beautiful and cozy the room was. Sick Kids really got it right!)
You had a lot of friends and family bring gifts of food, which I am so happy you are enjoying! To anyone reading this blog with love in their heart, anyone who prayed, and all of those who came over to my house to deliver gifts (or who supported Monica and James in their own way)...thank you for making the world full of light!