Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Not the end, only the beginning. (Last Post!)

5:32pm  We had our helmet molding and check up appointments today. They went very well! Auntie Martha came with me since James needed to work and she did a fantastic job helping out- thank you twin!

Dr. Forrest examined Jacob and was very pleased with how things are healing up. The helmet molding went well. Auntie was wonderful at calming both Jacob and myself down! She held Jacob and I distracted him while the orthotist placed a sock and plaster on Jacob's head.  He was so good! Jacob had head measurements taken by a laser and the report back was that at the moment Jacob has an almost perfect head shape! The measurements are extremely precise. It just goes to show how impressive Dr. Forrest's skills are. Our true life hero. The helmet will continue to mold Jacob's head shape and more importantly protect it as the bone hardens. We complete a final fitting and receive the helmet next week.

It was very cathartic returning to Sick Kids and being on the other side now. Such a different and positive visit this time. Martha described Jacob as a "graduate/alumni" today. Very true! That building and the staff in it changed our lives forever. I will never forget this experience.

Thank you for being with us on our journey. We have felt you in spirit the whole way and look forward to each day ahead and to all the good things coming in Jacob's future.

I am including a photo that we took today as a small gift to you all! I am leaving you off on a positive note! We have been so inspired by Jacob's bravery, strength, and spirit. He may be a young soul, but he has incredible courage and resilience. Jacob still has some work to do but we are now well on our way and have been given a new start.

I have learned that no matter how difficult the situation, we are given blessings as gifts to help cope. They are all around us. All you have to do is look, receive, and enjoy!

See you all soon! Have a wonderful night.



  1. Dear God,

    Thank you for blessing Monica and James with Jacob, a little bundle of joy that they waited and hoped for.

    Thank you for blessing Jacob with Monica and James, two of the strongest most positive people I know.

    Thank you for blessing our family with so many wonderful friends and family who have loved Monica, James, and Jacob through this journey (if you are reading this blog right now, I write this to YOU! And also a HUGE thank you to all of you who dropped off loving gifts to my home (for Monica and James) on such short notice! I will never forget your kindness and effort).

    And one more thing...

    God, I pray that no matter what life brings, we can have our eyes open to your love, the way that Monica, James, and Jacob showed us through this blog. Let us always see your helpers (YOU blog readers!) and the gifts you bless us with to help make any journey, no matter how difficult, one of hope, growth, and love.

    Love and gratitude,
    Auntie Martha

    1. Martha,

      You have been such a strength to James and Monica throughout this whole experience and I am truly thankful to you for all the support you gave to them. You are truly a blessing from God.

      I couldn't have said it better than you have about how lucky we all are having such strong, positive and loving people in our lives.

    2. Thank you for your kind words Carmel. We are all so blessed to have each other in our lives!

  2. Jacob, seeing your photos made my heart sing! You're back to "You!" The happiest baby I know. It is SO GREAT to "see" you! You look like the most perfect little gentleman in the world. I can see and feel all the relief and extreme happiness of mom and dad- its amazing how things have progressed in the last week! You look so happy to be home and loving life!!!! Thanks for making an appearance today! I will never forget what you went through, but more than anything, I will never forget how your smile touched me more than ever today! xoxox

  3. Nanny and Gaga27 June 2013 at 17:27

    What a truly wonderful picture of you all. Jacob looks so happy to be in the loving arms of his wonderful parents. May God continue to surround you with his love and give you the strength to continue with the recovery of our darling little Jacob. He truly is a little miracle from above.

  4. What a happy ending! He looks perfect! Congrats everyone.
