Thursday, 20 June 2013

Miracle Baby

7:45am  Today is the day that the swelling peaks.(in the morning)...the moment I have been dreading the most. The majority of the babies get so swollen that their eyes swell shut. I have had a lot of anxiety about that. I have been joking with tuhe nurses that "my kid will be one of the few exceptions, you will see..." My caring nurse got worried and even brought me photos of children with their eyes swollen to persuade me away from my denial that this will happen.

Well....its morning now and Jacob can still open his eyes!

"Hes a miracle baby!" said the nurse.

God is so good.

Dr. Forrest was in this morning and said things look very good. He agreed that the eyes look really good and that by now they are typically swollen. CT scan will be today. AND if Jacob does ok there is a chance we might get discharged tomorrow.

We still have some work to do though. Jacob is not really eating. Also, still no smiles.

One step at a time. One small victory at a time...


  1. Yay! Im sure that because of all your relief and smiles about how well it is going, that he will pick up on this today too! Hang in there! He's doing so well overall and he's making great strides!

  2. Go Jacob Go! That is a true answered prayer about his eyes. God is so very very good. You guys are almost close!

  3. Nanny and Gaga20 June 2013 at 08:34

    Jacob's Guardian Angel is watching over him. All the prayers being said are being heard and answered. He is a very strong little boy and will get through this. Time is the great healer and as it passes things will get better. We love and continue to pray for you all.

  4. Jacob is an absolute miracle. Jacob jest cudem. Cudem Jacuubick.

  5. great to here that Jacob's beautiful eyes are shining
    ps. all my previous posts have gone into cyber space due to my lack of IT knowledge James i need help

  6. Hi guys, soo happy to hear everything went well. You are amazing parents and he is such a strong little guy. The worst in now behind you and everyday will get better. Love you all and we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
    xoxox Adrienne & Marco
