Monday, 17 June 2013

My bags are packed....

Running around trying to pack myself, my baby.....and Jacob! :)

Slept very well last night. I am a 'doer' so getting things going is much easier than the waiting game. We are leaving very soon and will come back a changed and stronger family.

Speaking of strength, I have been so inspired by another cranio mom Kathy Sebright. Her son has multiple issues (craniosynostosis being one of them) and she is running to raise awareness about cranio. A bit of her story:

"Emmett's (virtual) Endurance Event - June 20, 2012. For my son's first surgery (to break apart his skull and put it back together correctly due to a birth defect of the skull), I ran on a treadmill in the hospital until he was out of surgery safely. I ran non-stop for 7 hrs and 26 minutes and was virtually joined by over 1,000 people in 45 states and 13 countries. The outpouring of support was the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed, let alone been a part of!"

Kathy is running again this year on June 20th and she is dedicating miles to children undergoing surgery in June. She will be dedicating a mile to Jacob too!

Such an inspiration!


  1. Kathy is an inspiration as are the three of you!

  2. I had an amazing, emotional yoga practice this morning and I could not stop thinking about the 3 of you and this journey, which I know you will triumph over! I wrote a blog post, asking people to dedicate their practice/prayers/whatever to you guys (which I will link to at the end here). I will be practicing every day in your honour until Jacob gets to come home! I may not have gotten on the twilight bandwagon but I am now Team Jacob all the way!!

    - Erin

  3. Nanny and Gaga17 June 2013 at 14:27

    There are a lot of people who love all of you who are praying for the best outcome. Jacob is in the best hands possible thanks to you guys and we know that everything is going to work out fine. We look forward to when you all come back safe and sound.

    Love and hugs to you all
    Nanny & Gaga.
